Herbergisþjónusta og tilboð
Stracta Hótel býður upp á skemmtilega matar- og drykkjarpakka sem hægt er að panta fyrir komu.
New, very clean, nice design, excellent staff, comfortable rooms, excellent facilities, good food. Very well located for all south coast visits (waterfalls, glaciers, Golden Circle, Vik etc). Petrol station and supermarket just over the road.
The staff at the Stracta hotel were superb. So welcoming, eager to help, and great fun to chat to. They made the stay the great experience that it was. Food was good, cosy bar area, chance to see (potentially) northern lights from the outdoor hot tubs. Room decor was minimal but have what you need, and they were very clean. They haven't been open long but I foresee them doing well. I plan to go back!
Nice very modern hotel. This is a new hotel open for around one year. Facilities very good although we did not take up the front desk recommendation of using the hot tubs and sauna (way too cold outside for us). Have to say the food was excellent, we tried the a la carte the first night (limited choice) then the buffet second night, both times the food was really good. All in all I would recommend this hotel both for location (we used it as a base to drive North and West for Gulfoss, Geyser and Thingviller and the next day East for Seljalandfoss, Skogafoss, Eyjafjallajokull and Vik), facilities, food and best of all prices.
Lovely hotel situated in the middle of nowhere makes the perfect location for Northern Lights viewing, and if you miss them, lounging in a super-clean private hot tub in the frosty cold night makes up for it. Room was the cleanest we'd ever seen, with toasty comforters, a towel warmer in the bathroom and new bathrobes and slippers. Kitchen was clean and basic, and decor was no-frills. The lobby was adorable at Christmas-time, and the restaurant serves some of the best food in the area for dinner. Staff were friendly and helpful, and best of all, your private hot tub stays running the whole day!
We loved our stay here! Customer service was very warm and friendly, and super accommodating. We ended up going to the restaurant about the same time they were closing, and they still brought out food for us, and didn't rush us at all. Rooms are super clean with a wet bathroom (open shower). Hot tubbing under the stars was wonderful. Thank you! We'll definitely return on our next trip to Iceland.
Loved this hotel!! Warm and friendly welcome and staff. We were upgraded which was a bonus! Clean and comfy room. Ate at bistro both nights and food was tasty. Breakfast buffet offered a good range of hot and cold food. Great location for visiting Secret Lagoon and south of the island although bad weather hampered our plans during our stay! This hotel was great value for money. Thank you Stracta. We'll be back!!
I had booked thru Expedia with pretty short notice (under 2 weeks) in mid June of this year. Although it was somewhat expensive (Keep in mind it IS Iceland, most everything is $$). The stay was very very nice. The room was very clean. And everyone that worked there was great from the folks at the bar to the staff at the morning breakfast. Talk to the manager at the front desk, he's also a geologist and has a wealth of knowledge on the region's landscape, not to mention just a nice guy. We didn't do much in Hella (pronounced "Hetta"), but based there to make the drive out to Iceberg Lagoon and hit a bunch of sights along the way
I stayed at this hotel in April with Mom and Son. The complex is quite new and clean. The staff were friendly and helpful. We ate breakfast there everyday and had one dinner there. The food was good, but the dinner a bit expensive by North American standards. Nice hot tubs and saunas available for guests.
This hotel is a fascinating mix of stylish and basic. It is brand new, very Scandinavian in design. It is very clean and simple looking with little ornamentation, but it definitely has a stylistic point of view.
This hotel was a huge positive surprise! It's so brand new - or at least renovated just recently, comfy beds and really tidy. The breakfast was great as well.
Stracta Hotel was the first hotel we stayed on during our visit to Iceland and really set the bar high for the rest of the trip. The location is a great first stop if you are traveling along the ring road, or even just touring the south coast of Iceland (like we did).
New, very clean, nice design, excellent staff, comfortable rooms, excellent facilities, good food. Very well located for all south coast visits (waterfalls, glaciers, Golden Circle, Vik etc). Petrol station and supermarket just over the road.
New, very clean, nice design, excellent staff, comfortable rooms, excellent facilities, good food. Very well located for all south coast visits (waterfalls, glaciers, Golden Circle, Vik etc). Petrol station and supermarket just over the road.
New, very clean, nice design, excellent staff, comfortable rooms, excellent facilities, good food. Very well located for all south coast visits (waterfalls, glaciers, Golden Circle, Vik etc). Petrol station and supermarket just over the road.
New, very clean, nice design, excellent staff, comfortable rooms, excellent facilities, good food. Very well located for all south coast visits (waterfalls, glaciers, Golden Circle, Vik etc). Petrol station and supermarket just over the road.
Parmaskinka á pönnuristuðu brauði með geitaostasósu og ferskri basilíku
Lambafille með rauðvínssósu, kartöflugratíni og pönnusteiktu rótargrænmeti
Skyrkaka með þeyttum rjóma, karamellusósu og ferskum berjum
Verð á mann er 8.500 kr.
(Vegan- og grænmetiskostur í boði)
Þennan seðil þarf að panta með sólarhrings fyrirvara hjá okkur gegnum info@stracta.is eða í síma 531 8010
Seðillinn er eingöngu afgreiddur fyrir allt borðið
Bistro (Bar/Veitingastaður) er á jarðhæð hótelsins. Gestir okkar geta notið fjölda rétta. Bistro veitingahúsið er góður kostur fyrir gesti með fjölbreytt úrval við hæfi hvers og eins.
Bistro er opið bæði fyrir gesti og gangandi.
Opnunartími Bistro er:
kl. 12:00 til 21:00
Nauta carpaccio
Borið fram með klettasalati, parmesan, vínberjum og sítrónudressingu.
1.490 kr
Nachos skál
Maísflögur bornar fram með salsa, lárperumauki og ostasósu.
Bættu kjúklingi eða tófú við fyrir 500 kr til viðbótar.
Fæst einnig vegan
2.200 kr
Úrval úr djúpsteikingarpottinum
Spyrjið þjóninn fyrir frekari upplýsingar.
Fæst einnig vegan
2.600 kr
Súpa dagsins
Spyrjið þjóninn fyrir frekari upplýsingar.
1.400 kr
Sesar salat
Borið fram með kirsuberjatómötum, kjúklingi, beikon og parmesan.
Fæst einnig vegan
3.390 kr
Borinn fram með rúgbrauði og smjöri.
3.490 kr
Fiskur dagsins
Spyrjið þjóninn fyrir frekari upplýsingar.
4.450 kr
Fiskur og franskar
Djúpsteiktur fiskur með djúpsteiktum kartöflum. Borið fram með tartarsósu og sýrðum gúrkum.
3.990 kr
Vegan Wellington steik
Borið fram með gulrótarmauki, vegan sveppasósu og krömdu smælki.
3.990 kr
Borin fram með pólentusteik, radísu- og sesamsalati, ferskri salsa, BBQ- og hvítlaukssósum.
4.590 kr
Steik dagsins (naut/lamb/annað)
Spyrjið þjóninn fyrir frekari upplýsingar.
6.990 kr
Stracta hamborgari
Hamborgari með osti, karamelluðum lauk, beikoni, salati og sósu. Borinn fram með frönskum kartöflum.
3.290 kr
Veganborgari með vegan osti, karamelluðum lauk, salati og sósu. Borinn fram með frönskum kartöflum.
3.290 kr
Hamborgari með osti og tómatsósu ásamt frönskum kartöflum.
Fæst einnig vegan
1.390 kr
Barna plokkfiskur
Plokkfiskur borinn fram með rúgbrauði og smjöri.
1.390 kr
Kanilsykur, rúsinur.
1.390 kr
990 kr
Franskar kartöflur
990 kr
Parmesan trufflufranskar
1.300 kr
Dirty fries
1.650 kr
Ristað grænmeti
1.250 kr
1.100 kr
Tómatsósa - Kokteilsósa - BBQ sósa - Hvítlaukssósa - Tartarsósa - Lárperumauk - Ostasósa - Chili majónes - Chimichurri - Vegan hvítlauksmajónes
300 kr
Skyrkaka borin fram með eftirréttasósu og berjasalsa.
2.100 kr
Heit súkkulaðikaka borin fram með vanilluís og eftirréttasósu.
Fæst einnig vegan
2.100 kr
Úrval af ís
Úrval af ís borinn fram með kökumylsnu og ávaxtasósu.
Fæst einnig vegan
2.100 kr
Belgísk vaffla
Belgísk vaffla með ískúlu, ferskum ávöxtum og eftirréttarsósu.
2.100 kr
Á veitingarhúsinu Garður
Á Stracta Hótel býðst hópum að njóta kvöldverðar hlaðborðs. Hlaðborðið er opið alla daga frá kl. 18:30 til 20:30.
Einnig bjóðum við uppá sérútbúið nesti fyrir gesti okkar, sé þess óskað.
Á kvöldverðarhlaðborðinu okkar er notast við hráefni úr nærliggjandi sveitum.
Við bjóðum hópum að njóta kvöldverðar hlaðborðs. Hlaðborðið er á efri hæð í veitingahúsinu Garður með einstakt útsýni yfir Suðurland. Veitingahúsið leggur áherslu á heilsusamlegt fæði sem unnið er úr afurðum úr nærliggjandi sveitum.
Árshátíðir fyrirtækja eða vinahópa eiga heima á Stracta Hótel. Við bjóðum upp á þriggja eða fjögurra rétta veisluseðla. Hér er allt á einum stað fyrir vel heppnaða árshátíð.
Við bjóðum hópum að njóta hádegisverðar í veitingahúsinu Garður. Við bjóðum bæði upp á tveggja og þriggja rétta hádegisverð fyrir hópa. Hafðu samband við okkur til að fá frekari upplýsingar.
Pinnamatur og tapas
Við bjóðum upp á marga gómsæta smárétti, sem henta allskonar tilefnum.
Við höfum öll tæki, tól og góða aðstöðu fyrir velheppnaða ráðstefnu, fundi eða árshátíð.
Stracta Hótel býður upp á skemmtilega matar- og drykkjarpakka sem hægt er að panta fyrir komu.